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Buying a fashion brand handbag is the dream of many people, but there are many counterfeit products on the market. In order to avoid falling into the trap of fake goods, consumers need to master some methods to distinguish authenticity. Below we will discuss how to distinguish the authenticity of brand bags to ensure that your shopping experience is safe and reliable.
Selection of the purchase path
First of all, it is important to choose a purchase channel. To purchase authentic brand bags, you should choose official counters, official websites, regular department stores, or authorized stores. This can minimize the risk of buying counterfeit products. Avoid shopping at the end of the streets, small advertisements, second-hand markets, or unknown online platforms, because these places may be more prone to fake goods.
Brand logo and logo
Real brand bags usually have clear and delicate brand logos and logos. Check the details of the labels, zippers, and metal accessories on the bag to ensure that the font is clear and smooth. The brand’s logo should also be flawless and there will be no traces of stitching or vagueness.
Material and craft
Brand bags are usually made of high-quality materials and superb craftsmanship. The leather of the genuine bag feels soft and delicate, without odor. The fake goods may use cheap materials, rough feel, and even be pungent. Check the line head of the bag carefully. The genuine line head should be neat and firm, and there will be no departure and disconnection.
Detailed design of the bag
Brand bags usually focus on detail design, which is also a place where counterfeit products are difficult to copy. For example, the engraving of the zipper, the engraving of the buttons, the details of the internal label, etc. The authenticity usually has a consistent and regular logo, and there may be typos, unclear signs, or not at all.
Packaging and accessories
The packaging of genuine bags is usually high-end and exquisite, which matches the quality of the bag. Signing, packaging bags, maintenance cards, and other accessories should also be intact. Counterfeit products may cut corners in packaging, poor quality, or the information on the sign is inconsistent with the genuine product.
Price and discount
If the price of a brand bag is far lower than the market price, then it needs to be alert. Genuine brand bags are usually not discounted casually, and the price is generally relatively stable. Too low prices may mean the quality of the product or fake products.
Careful observation during shopping
When shopping, carefully observe the details of the bag. You can learn about the characteristics of genuine bags in advance, and then compare the products seen during shopping. Pay attention to the details of the line head, suture process, and internal structure of the bag. If any abnormalities are found, you should ask the salesperson in time.
Evaluation and reputation of shopping channels
When choosing a shopping channel, you can get more information through the evaluation of Internet search, social media, or shopping platforms and reputation. The shopping experience of other consumers can provide valuable references to understand the credibility and after-sales service of the channel.
Official certification and anti-counterfeiting query
Some brands provide official certification and anti-counterfeiting inquiry services and can query the authenticity of the product through the brand’s official website or related APP. When buying, you can consult the salesperson’s certification information on the product and take the initiative to verify.
Differential service of professionals
If you have any questions about the authenticity of the brand bag, you can choose to seek the help of professionals. Some professional identification agencies or official after-sales service centers provide authenticity services. This can get more accurate judgments and opinions.
In general, the authenticity of identifying brand bags requires consumers to have certain brand awareness and identification ability. Through the above-mentioned meticulous methods, shoppers can face the brand bags on the market more calmly, and avoid buying fake and shoddy products to ensure the safety and satisfaction of shopping. At the same time, we must always be vigilant and ignore the core characteristics of brand genuine products without being cheap.